Hey, Im Chris Link

Front End Web Developer

I am a front end web developer based in Richmond, Virginia. I found web development in late 2021 while searching for a creative outlet that I could transform: into a professional career. I have always been involved in the creative arts, whether through sketching and painting, in music through writing songs and performing, as well as playing the drums and piano. When I stumbled across front end web development, I was hooked ASAP!

I first began studying web development on Udemy, taking a course in foundational HTML5 and CSS. I then signed up for a bootcamp with Vets in Tech for Front End Web Development, while simultaneously completing the Responsive Web Development certification with freecodecamp.org. I am working on two additional Udemy courses, one of which is in Front End Development and another specific to JavaScript, while also utilizing freecodecamp.org and CodeAcademy to improve my skills in JavaScript. I also completed the front-end development portion of a Tek Systems bootcamp in early 2022 which covered HTML, CSS, Javascript, Git, GitHub, React, and Agile Methodologies.

At this time, I am continuing in my self-studies into front-end development and just having fun with the process. I am available for freelance front end development work, or to collaborate on projects. I can be contacted on my contact page.